Characteristics of Thymine Molecule System Behave as Molecular Electronic Device

  • Shakir A. A. AL-Saidi, Alaa Ayad K. Al-mebir, Mohammed Hallool College of Education of Pure Sciences, University of Thi-Qar
Keywords: Thymine, Gate, Molecule, Transmission, Tightbinding


The I-V characteristics of thymine are presented by using tightbinding model with steady state. The current as function of gate voltage which is varying between -4 to 4 eV is plotted. Also, the tunneling phenomena is appeared into the features of molecules. The appliance of gate voltage shows good ON/OFF keying of the two applied voltages- bias voltage and gate voltage. In our work the thymine molecule is proposed as a turn on and turn off key, MOSFET properties  can be used in thymine molecular electronic devices. Further, the magnetic flux has been studied for transmission, current and conductance.


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How to Cite
Shakir A. A. AL-Saidi, Alaa Ayad K. Al-mebir, Mohammed Hallool. (2019). Characteristics of Thymine Molecule System Behave as Molecular Electronic Device. (Humanities, Social and Applied Sciences) Misan Journal of Academic Studies , 18(35), 130-143. Retrieved from