Scientific Research Evaluation
Scientific Research Evaluation
- The managing editor of Maysan Journal of Academic Studies receives the research submitted for publication in the journal
- Referring the research submitted for publication by the editor-in-chief to the editorial board (specialization in the topic of the research)
-Examine the plagiarism rate to search through the Turnitin program, provided that the plagiarism rate is not more than 20%
-The editorial board of the journal audits the research submitted for publication and then nominates the competent arbitrator to evaluate the research, provided that the scientific title and the exact specialization of each of the evaluator or scientific expert for the research are taken into account.
- Sending the research with the names of the scientific component by the editorial board to the editor-in-chief.
-The editor-in-chief shall refer the research to the competent scientific arbitrator and follow up on their answers in light of the legal period prescribed for the evaluation.
- Refer the scientifically evaluated research to the linguistic component for verification.
-The final decision is sent to the researchers, whether it is accepted for publication or refusal to publish by a documented official letter and in the case of acceptance of publication.