The economic and social reasons leading to the phenomenon of child labor in Al-Fuhud district in the year 2023
The research aimed to study some economic variables, which it sees as the main reasons that pushed children towards the labor market, by answering the research questions related to the reasons for child labor that pushed children towards the labor market and the circumstances of their families. Therefore, child labor is a phenomenon closely linked to the economic aspect, because the economic level represents one of the basic variables that push the individual towards work in any society, as economic reasons top the list among the reasons leading to children's involvement in work. The low standard of living of the family plays a role in children's orientation towards the labor market instead of continuing in school or combining the two, and this is what studies and research that paid attention to child labor indicated, as families with low and even medium incomes are sometimes forced to throw some of their children into the labor market in order to obtain part of their material requirements. The sample size was based on the economic activity represented by the activity (commercial, industrial and agricultural) in the district. The sample size studied was (700) boys and girls distributed between both sexes, as the number of males was (434) children and the number of females was (66) girls in the study area from children aged between (6-14) years.
الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 مجلة ميسان للدراسات الأكاديمية (العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية والتطبيقية)
هذا العمل مرخص حسب الرخصة Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
تخضع جميع المقالات المنشورة في مجلتنا لشروط الترخيص
إسناد المشاع الإبداعي(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)يسمح هذا الترخيص بإعادة إنتاج المحتوى وإعادة توزيعه وإعادة استخدامه كليًا أو جزئيًا لأي غرض مجانًا ، دون أي إذن من المؤلف (المؤلفين) أو الباحث او الطالب.
الأعمال المقدمة إلى مجلة ميسان للدراسات الاكاديمية للنشر في المجلة تخضع لشروط ترخيص(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). حيث يمكن مشاركة المحتوى المتاح وتوزيعه وتكراره بشرط عدم وجود ربح تجاري ويجب منح الرصيد المناسب للمصدر الأصلي من خلال المصادر او الاستشهادات. من الضروري ومراجعة أي مواد تستخدم من مصادر أخرى بما في ذلك الأشكال والجداول والصور لإعادة استخدامها بموجب شروط ترخيص المشاع الإبداعي (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). وبشرط عدم وجود تعديل على المحتوى الأصلي