The Impact of Transitional Regulations on the Application of National Reconciliation and National Amnesty Mechanism (A Comparative Study)

  • misanjas misanjas جامعة ميسان / كلية التــربيـــة الاساسية -العراق
  • Hadi Hassan Kashash AlRikabiu
  • Sayyid Ali Mirmad Najafabad


The purpose of this study is to determine the status of the transitional period and its implications for the "reconciliation and amnesty" mechanisms found in nations with transitional laws. These mechanisms are typically included in the transitional phase that results from drastically and completely altering a country's political system. The state uses a variety of mechanisms and strategies to integrate equity during times of systemic transition or transformation. In our research, we examine extrajudicial mechanisms like "reconciliation," victim compensation programs, and amnesty linked to community reconciliation in comparison to the dominant mechanisms of transitional constitutional systems to arrive at a conclusion regarding the relative importance or value of each. We also attempt to highlight the advantages or disadvantages of including these provisions or system in that mechanism and offer conclusions and recommendations targeted at addressing or evaluating that inclusion.


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