Slanting talk and its application in prophetic heritage of styles of recitation and demonstration of the significance of what was approved by the languages of Arabs

  • Ali Muhsen Badi University Of Summer - College Of Basic Education
Keywords: Slanting . Prophetic Hadith . Styles of Recitation . Languages of Arab .


This paper is concerned with prophetic hadith that is rooting a famous acoustic

phenomenon, slanting particularly in styles of recitation and generally in classical Arabic . The study was divided into three aspects . Firstly it extrapolated the narratives of hadith in its resources, extracted the authentic text, showed its narrators, proved its authenticity, designated the linguistic significance

showed the opinions towards its authenticity . Secondly it showed the phonetic significance of the slanting phenomenon in the hadith according to the

languages of Arabs . Thirdly it confirmed the relationship between the slanting talk and the talk of revelation of Koran seven characters .


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How to Cite
, A. M. B. (2020). Slanting talk and its application in prophetic heritage of styles of recitation and demonstration of the significance of what was approved by the languages of Arabs. (Humanities, Social and Applied Sciences) Misan Journal of Academic Studies , 18(37), 39-48. Retrieved from